What To Do After Laser Hair Removal- 4 Pieces of Advice
Laser hair removal is in vogue these days to eliminate unwanted hair. Those who opt for laser hair removal can get rid of hair on their chest and inguen area in most cases. Laser hair removal facility centers provide individuals with an opportunity to improve their looks. After getting a laser hair removal procedure, it is important to follow below mentioned four important steps. These steps help to maintain the fitness of your skin. These four pieces of advice will help in avoiding distress and problems with laser treatment and skin rejuvenation.

1.Refrain From Sun Exposure After Laser Hair Removal Treatment
After getting laser hair removal, the first step in preserving your skin is to refrain from sun exposure. It is vital to make sure that the skin does not get too much exposure to sunlight. Otherwise. it will get irritated. Some sort of severe burns can be experienced, too. You should also avoid sunbathing for two weeks. And if you have to go out kindly do use sunscreen.

2.Don’t Use Beauty Products
Skin becomes very delicate after laser hair removal treatment. You should avoid using makeup, body washes, and antiperspirants for the first 24 hours. Later on, you can use these products.

3.Avoid Hot Water After Laser Hair Removal
After the laser hair removal procedure, you should avoid hot water. You can take cool showers. Cool showers help in the safety of your skin. This care should be taken at least 48 hours. At the same time, you should not use heating pads. Heating pads cause redness. They also irritate your delicate skin.
4.Pare The Treated Area
When you get laser hair removal treatment, a lot of hair exuviation happens afterward. Within four weeks, the hair follicles will start annihilating. They will start to fall out. One of the best ways to preserve your skin is to pare it during the next four weeks after getting the treatment. When peeling your skin, you will need to use a washcloth and delicate scrub wash. Once soldering the washcloth and scrub wash, you will then just clean the treated area in orbicular motions. By doing this several times per week, you will expedite the exuviating and prepare yourself for your next treatment.

Implied Side Effects
The best way to lessen the risk of side effects is to circumvent UV exposure for 7 days pre-and a post-laser hair removal procedure. Shun sunburns and tans for at least 2 weeks ere treatment. Elude sunless tanning products for 7 days ere treatment. Equip your technician with an authentic and up-to-date medical history. It will ensure safe and efficacious procedures.
Side effects are rare but may include these.
1- Hyperpigmentation (shading of the skin).
2- Hypopigmentation (loss of skin pigmentation)
3- Mild to mediocre burns or vesicles
4- Persistent skin splotch, & transitory redness
5- Follicular edema (little pink/red “puffiness, and small bumps like “goosebumps”)
6- Blistering and itching in the prescribed area, beehives, blemishes, and bruising.

Few Necessary Pre-Treatment Steps
You must clean shave the area to be treated. Shun UV exposure 7 days ere your treatment. Shun sunless tanning products 7 days ere treatment. If applicable, apply numbing cream 30 to 40 minutes before your treatment. Shun chemical peels and other laser procedures in the area to be treated for 2 weeks ere laser hair removal. Don’t use any kind of alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone, retinol/retinoid, Tazorac, and Differin for 7 days ere treatment. If you have any abnormal lesions, moles, or spots on the area to be treated. You must consult a medical practitioner. He will clear it before the laser hair removal procedure. Stope waxing, tweezing, and chemical epilation 3 weeks ere treatment.