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Face, laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is considered to be one of the safest of the non-invasive cosmetic procedures. However, that does not mean it should be entered into without first making yourself aware of the process and all the possible outcomes.
Facial hair removal may have some considerations that do not arise when dealing with less sensitive body parts.
A reputable laser hair removal specialist should discuss all of your concerns and make you feel comfortable with the process. The spa should also talk to you about the special considerations of facial hair removal.
Considerations and cautions
• Your eyes can be damaged by the intense laser light. You must ensure they are not exposed. Be certain that the proper safety equipment to shield the eye is always used and used properly.
• The skin on your face is more delicate and sensitive than that of the rest of the body. Special care must be taken to cool the skin during the procedure. Redness may occur as well. You may not want to return to work the day of your procedure and should plan to stay home that evening.
• Your hair color may influence your candidacy for laser hair removal. Most lasers are very effective at removing darker hair but fine, light colored hair may not respond to laser treatment.
• Certain parts of the face are especially tricky to treat with laser hair removal. Nostril hair can be treated but requires a clinic or spa specially trained and experienced in this treatment.
Safe laser hair reduction
Safe Areas
Most reputable medi-spas and clinics will not treat the area just below the eyebrow in order to protect the patient’s sight. However most other areas are eligible for treatments. This includes the chin, the upper lip, cheeks, forehead, nose and the area between the eyebrows.
The Nose
In younger women, the fine, light colored hairs on the surface of the nose are virtually invisible. As we age, these hairs can be replaced with thicker, darker hairs. Fortunately, darker hair responds best to laser treatments.
Within the nose, nostril hair keeps dust and other airborne particles out of the nasal passages. An excessive growth in this area can be unattractive and problematic. It is unadvisable to direct a laser at the sensitive tissues within the nose. However, certain streams may be directed at the surface of the nose and still penetrate deeply enough to effect a change on the hairs inside. Choose a spa or clinic skilled in this troublesome area.

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