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Some of the Most Popular Areas for Laser Hair Removal

The Face
Hands down, this is a favorite area to be treated by men and women alike. Women tend to have the upper lip, chin, or sides of the face smoothed by the laser, and men have embraced the procedure because it offers a hairless appearance without fear of severe razor burn. It is recommended for individuals considering a facial treatment to schedule it two to three weeks prior to any big event as there may be some redness and even slight discomfort due to the sensitivity of the skin in the facial region.

The Chest
While chest hair may be a sign of manhood, it isn’t always loved by the guys who sport it. For that reason, many have turned to laser hair removal, which is far less painful than waxing.

The Back
Similarly, back hair is rarely loved by those who don it. More and more men are recognizing the benefits of laser hair removal, especially the permanency of it. In fact, many men who play professional sports are required to remove any hair from the back and chest. Waxing the back is difficult, if not impossible, to do on one’s own and can be quite pricey to have done regularly at a salon. The laser can remove the hair rather quickly, with less discomfort, and it will stay away much longer.

The Bikini Line
For women, hair removal boils down to one very intimate and sensitive area – the bikini line. Waxing, shaving, and other forms of hair removal can result in unsightly rashes and must be done regularly to keep the area appearing smooth and hairless. Lasers, on the other hand, work swiftly, and the effects last.

The Legs
Shaving in the shower is no longer necessary, thanks to laser hair removal and legs everywhere are looking smoother, sleeker, and better than ever before.

Treating Ingrown Hairs with Laser Hair Removal

Ingrown hairs can be a pain. The term for ingrown hair is “pseudofolliculitis barbae”, a condition in which a foreign body inflammatory reaction is produced when curved hairs grow back into the skin. Inflammation is characterized by papules, pustules or small nodules located from one to three millimeters away from the hair follicle. You are most likely to suffer ingrowns where body hair is coarse, explaining why many women experience bikini-zone ingrowns.  While there are several ways to treat ingrowns after the fact, prevention is always the best medicine.

Laser hair removal is highly effective in treating ingrown hairs by simply eliminating the problem. Laser hair removal targets the individual hair follicles of the unwanted body hair. Through a series of treatments the follicles are compromised due to the targeted laser heat and therefore stop producing hair. Hair that is produced from follicles that have been treated with Laser Hair Removal is more fine and usually lighter than the original hair. You will see ingrowns diminish and disappear during the course of your Laser Hair Removal treatments just as you see unwanted body hair diminish and disappear

LightSheer Laser Hair Removal

Light Sheer® Laser Hair Removal

A state-of-the-art laser technology to treat unwanted hair.

Laser treatment is a non-invasive approach to permanent hair reduction and removal. A series of treatments every four to six weeks is necessary to achieve optimal long-term benefits.

Am I A Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

Hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Tanned patients with light hair are not candidates. Tanned patients with dark hair should wait until their tan fades.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light that is absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser heats up the hair and significantly impedes the follicle’s ability to grow. In turn, laser hair removal causes permanent hair reduction. Unlike electrolysis, which kills one hair follicle at a time, laser hair removal is able to reach and treat many follicles at a time.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary?

Multiple treatments are necessary to obtain optimal results. Laser hair removal is most effective for hair that is in the anagen or growth phase. Since hair grows in cycles, not all the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. A series of three to eight treatments are necessary to achieve 80 to 90% permanent hair reduction. Maintenance treatments may be necessary for the remaining hairs.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

The cooling tip has a mild anesthetic property, which allows tender areas to be treated in a relatively painless fashion. You may feel a tingling or stinging sensation during the laser hair removal treatment, but most people tolerate the procedure well. You may experience a sunburn-type sensation in the laser hair removal treatment area for several hours. If you find the first laser hair removal treatment too uncomfortable you can request a topical anesthetic.

What Happens After The Treatment?

Immediately following treatment, the area may appear a bit red and swollen. Three to seven days after the treatment you may experience what seems to be regrowth of hair. Most of these hairs are being shed as a result of your treatment and are not new growth. Between treatments you should not wax or pluck your hair but it is permissible to shave. You will need to wear sunscreen regularly before, during, and for six weeks after completing your treatment. Avoid irritants for seven days after treatment.

Is There Any Pretreatment?

You should not pluck, wax, use a depilatory, or have electrolysis in the areas you want to treat for six weeks prior to laser hair removal or between treatments. It is permissible to shave before and between treatments. Do not tan the areas for four weeks prior to treatment. Avoid using self-tanning products for two weeks prior to treatment.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Five or six treatments are performed for optimal results. Some patients will benefit from additional treatments.

Is There Any Pretreatment?

For darker skin types, pretreatment with a skin-lightening agent may be necessary for one to two weeks to decrease the melanin production.

Is There Any Post Treatment?

A good sun block is required daily while in treatment and after treatment to maintain results.

Does It Hurt?

There may be some discomfort. No anesthetic is necessary. Most patients rate it at a 5 on a scale of 10. Taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen prior to the treatment may be helpful. If you find the treatment too uncomfortable you can request a topical anesthetic

Reasons Laser Hair Removal Benefits Men

Whether you are an athlete seeking a competitive edge, seeking health and physical attractive benefits for your skin, or you are just tired of shaving, laser hair removal is your best bet to effectively and permanently remove your unwanted hair.  Men have different reasons for wanting to remove hair. Pesky facial hair is a daily hindrance to men with professional jobs. We have to wake up earlier to make sure we a clean shaven for work. Another type of benefits that we see our men pursuing are the athletic benefits of having streamlined hairless skin for competition. The third, but not least, common benefit we see our male clients seeking are the health and beauty attributes that laser hair removal offers.

Daily Shaving

Skin not treated by laser hair removal on average grows one-half inch per month. Facial hair tends to seem to grow faster, because it is typically shaven down to the skin. Facial hair actually grows just as fast as any other hair on the body, but seems to grow faster because men are used to having a clean shaven face. Regardless, one-months’ neglect of shaving would leave most of us looking like a mountain man. Daily shaving is a routine that most of us have became slaves to, but I have good news for you! Laser Hair Removal is quick, effective way to get rid of your unwanted facial hair at a cheap cost to you. Just think about the long term savings of never having to buy razors or shaving cream again and the amount of spare time you will have in the morning!

  Athletic Benefits

From Olympic swimmers to occasional runners, men with athletic pursuits of all levels can benefit from having laser hair removal done in strategic areas to improve their streamlineness and smoothness of their skin. You don’t have to be a major professional athlete to consider having this procedure done. Take your body to the next level for your next swimming competition, running competition, or triathlon!

Healthy and Handsome

Laser hair removal is a common form of hair removal for men. Skin with hair removed from its surface is healthy and smooth. Razors can be harmful, create scarring, and dry out your skin. Laser hair removal will leave your skin smooth and healthy while allowing daily moisturization in the area treated.  Men today are realizing the importance of their skin and the benefits that Laser hair removal provides.

Face, laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is considered to be one of the safest of the non-invasive cosmetic procedures. However, that does not mean it should be entered into without first making yourself aware of the process and all the possible outcomes.
Facial hair removal may have some considerations that do not arise when dealing with less sensitive body parts.
A reputable laser hair removal specialist should discuss all of your concerns and make you feel comfortable with the process. The spa should also talk to you about the special considerations of facial hair removal.
Considerations and cautions
• Your eyes can be damaged by the intense laser light. You must ensure they are not exposed. Be certain that the proper safety equipment to shield the eye is always used and used properly.
• The skin on your face is more delicate and sensitive than that of the rest of the body. Special care must be taken to cool the skin during the procedure. Redness may occur as well. You may not want to return to work the day of your procedure and should plan to stay home that evening.
• Your hair color may influence your candidacy for laser hair removal. Most lasers are very effective at removing darker hair but fine, light colored hair may not respond to laser treatment.
• Certain parts of the face are especially tricky to treat with laser hair removal. Nostril hair can be treated but requires a clinic or spa specially trained and experienced in this treatment.
Safe laser hair reduction
Safe Areas
Most reputable medi-spas and clinics will not treat the area just below the eyebrow in order to protect the patient’s sight. However most other areas are eligible for treatments. This includes the chin, the upper lip, cheeks, forehead, nose and the area between the eyebrows.
The Nose
In younger women, the fine, light colored hairs on the surface of the nose are virtually invisible. As we age, these hairs can be replaced with thicker, darker hairs. Fortunately, darker hair responds best to laser treatments.
Within the nose, nostril hair keeps dust and other airborne particles out of the nasal passages. An excessive growth in this area can be unattractive and problematic. It is unadvisable to direct a laser at the sensitive tissues within the nose. However, certain streams may be directed at the surface of the nose and still penetrate deeply enough to effect a change on the hairs inside. Choose a spa or clinic skilled in this troublesome area.

Good info about laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is nothing new. Its been around for a long time, and has been FDA approved since 1995. Since the Laser Hair Removal Center/Style MedSpa has been opened, we’ve helped thousands of women get rid of their unwanted hair on their chins, upper lips, sideburns, bikini lines, armpits, chest, backs and more! The interesting thing is that I hear very often, “Can you take care of my husband’s back hair?”

Well there is some good news…YES! We can help your husband!

With just 6-8 treatments, we can help men to reduce their hair growth and enjoy not having to shave, tweeze, or wax to groom for their ladies. Many men are taking notice now, and they’re not all movie stars. Normal men are jumping on board to laser hair removal by having the procedure applied to their neckline, back, and chest.

There are some things that need to be taken into consideration when doing laser hair removal such as color of the hair and skin tone (since the procedure works by using the laser beam to destroy the bulb of the hair), but at the Laser Hair Removal Center/Style MedSpa, a free consultation will answer all of these questions!

Remember we guarantee the lowest prices in our region and we specialize in only Premium Lasers such as Diodes by LightSheer XC (not cheap diodes, our diode has 100 diodes in the handpiece not just one like other weak diodes) and Alexandries.  Non premium lasers are Yags and IPL’s.

Everybody seems to be doing it.

Having excess hair is never an attractive thing. For centuries, hair removal has been achieved by a number of different methods. And since many of us spend a lot of time caring for our skin, hair, tan, and clothing, it just makes sense that hair removal is as vital today as it has ever been.

The use of razors can be tedious and expensive. Razors that are used to remove hair from legs, underarms, and other parts of our bodies, only remove the top part of the hair which leaves the root still intact. By the next day, the hair begins to grow again, requiring more shaving.

Waxing, though used by many, is a rather barbaric method to remove hair. Warm wax is applied to the leg or other area and strips of paper are used to adhere to the wax. The paper is then pulled forcefully and swiftly to remove the unwanted hair. This method is not only sloppy, but it can also be very painful.

Many women and men have fainted while getting their bodies waxed. Many people who are sick of waxing and shaving choose instead to turn to a more permanent and relatively painless procedure using laser hair removal.

A new revolutionary technique that many celebrities are getting is laser hair removal treatment. During this procedure, laser energy is used to cauterize the hair follicle, destroying the hair’s ability to grow. The hair is removed from the follicle permanently.

Lasers, which are used for many other procedures, are now being used for hair removal on any area of the body. You can choose to have laser hair removal done on your legs, face, underarms, arms, or any other area that grows unwanted hair. Having smooth skin is always a fantastic way to look your best.

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