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Most Popular areas to treat for laser hair removal

The Face
Hands down, this is a favorite area to be treated by men and women alike. Women tend to have the upper lip, chin, or sides of the face smoothed by the laser, and men have embraced the procedure because it offers a hairless appearance without fear of severe razor burn. It is recommended for individuals considering a facial treatment to schedule it two to three weeks prior to any big event as there may be some redness and even slight discomfort due to the sensitivity of the skin in the facial region.

The Chest
While chest hair may be a sign of manhood, it isn’t always loved by the guys who sport it. For that reason, many have turned to laser hair removal, which is far less painful than waxing.

The Back
Similarly, back hair is rarely loved by those who don it. More and more men are recognizing the benefits of laser hair removal, especially the permanency of it. In fact, many men who play professional sports are required to remove any hair from the back and chest. Waxing the back is difficult, if not impossible, to do on one’s own and can be quite pricey to have done regularly at a salon. The laser can remove the hair rather quickly, with less discomfort, and it will stay away much longer.

The Bikini Line
For women, hair removal boils down to one very intimate and sensitive area – the bikini line. Waxing, shaving, and other forms of hair removal can result in unsightly rashes and must be done regularly to keep the area appearing smooth and hairless. Lasers, on the other hand, work swiftly, and the effects last.

The Legs
Shaving in the shower is no longer necessary, thanks to laser hair removal and legs everywhere are looking smoother, sleeker, and better than ever before.

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