Fat & Cellulite Removal | Non-Invasive Liposuction
Body Sculpting | Slimming Treatments
(Comparible to Cavi-Lipo & Cavi-Slim, Zerona Laser and CoolSculpting/fat freezing)
Dimples may be cute on your face… but not every other place.
What is Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction?
Ultrasound Liposuction (ultrasonic cavitation) is a new, revolutionary fat removal technology that does NOT involve surgery – there is no need for anesthetics, no hospital stay or time off work. Style MedSpa’s staff will make this treatment comfortable and painless.
We utilize a unique cavitation technology that allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits that never seems to disappear no matter of your diet or how hard you work out. The most problematic body areas are: abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, upper arm, male breasts. Your body can be now contoured with no anesthesia, no scars, and no down-time.
What is the Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction Treatment Like?
The cavitation treatment does not require any special pre-treatment. It starts with circumference measurement of the target body area, continues with circular movements of the applicator over the treatment site, and is finalized with another circumference measurement. The duration of treatment session can vary from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the area and the thickness of the fat layer.
What Body Areas Are Treated?
The treatment focuses on the abdomen, arms, thighs, flanks (love handles), back (fat beneath the buttocks)
How does Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction Work?
Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound field creates the bubbles in the liquid, which gradually grow, and implode at certain size. The energy in the form of heat (minor effect) and pressure wave (major effect) is released. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue.
The cavitation treatment does not require any special pre-treatment. It starts with circumference measurement of the target body area, continues with circular movements of the applicator over the treatment site, and is finalized with another circumference measurement. The duration of treatment session can vary from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the area and the thickness of the fat layer. 6 sessions at 1-week intervals are recommended in order to achieve a notable result, but further treatments may be needed to attain your desired silhouette.
This treatment does not require anesthesia. Most of the clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise spreading inside your body, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment. If it turns burning hot, immediately request some extra ultrasound gel to be applied.
There is a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that disappear in few hours to few days.
Even though the studies have proven the treatment safe, the cavitation is not be used in clients with an acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pace makers, or during pregnancy.
The cavitation treatment yields immediate and long-lasting results. Most of the clients experience 2 to 6 cm of circumference reduction after a single session, with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.
Benefits of an Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction Treatment
– Improve blood circulation & lymph circulation
– Improve skin texture
– Body tighten, excellent performance of Body shaping
– No surgery / no pain
– No anesthesia.
– Remove fat cells permanently
– Cellulite Therapy
– Connective tissue tightening
– More effective if combines with Fractional Laser, Radio Frequency, IPL and Related Treatments
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