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One of the most distressing side effects of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is known as hirsutism. Pronounced her-soo-tizm, this condition can cause extreme facial and body hair in women, often leading to low self-esteem. Many of us with PCOS do not realize the devastation that imbalanced hormones can cause in our lives. That’s why Insulite wants to share with you the natural solutions that can help stop excess hair growth on your face and body, as well as female baldness.

If you or someone you know suffers from excess facial hair, for example, there’s a strong chance it’s a sign of PCOS, according to a new report. As many as 15% of women and teenage females have excess facial hair and PCOS is the cause in 70% to 80% of cases. The same is true of excess body hair as well as hair loss known as male pattern baldness.

Women of all ages worried about excessive facial or body hair should consult their doctor to be tested for PCOS, say researchers.

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